Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome to Pinnacle, New South Wales Blogsite

The "Pinnacle, New South Wales" blog-site has been created enabling me to record for my own future reference and to share various learnings in connection with the locality of Pinnacle in New South Wales, Australia.
A major catalyst to me creating this site was the confusion in trying to understand why the mail that was delivered to our place had different location names depending on who the sender was. We were of the view that the correct last line of our postal address should be 'Grenfell NSW 2810' given that Grenfell is the closest town to us, even though it is a distance of about 25 km. The National Australia Bank and several other large companies were, however, auto defaulting our address as either "Glenelg NSW 2810", "Grenfell NSW 2810" or "Pinnacle NSW 2810".
After some exhausting research we finally were made aware that in the mid 1990s the Geographical Names Board of New South Wales ( had in conjunction with various Local Government Areas and Australia Post developed and had formally gazetted / approved 'localities' throughout the State of NSW. The locality names approved by the Geographical Names Board in New South Wales are all unique and it turns out that the correct / actual /approved locality for us is "Pinnacle".
Part of the above-mentioned project scope also included the formal numbering of property access points (many were front gate locations) and roadways. The number allocated to the access point was the actual distance in units of 10 metres from that access point to the intersection of that particular road with another. The allocated number was either an odd or even number depending on what side of the road it was on as one drove away from the intersection. Odd numbers are applied to access points on the left hand side and even numbers to access points on the right.
The road number for the main access point to our own farm is 761. This means we are located 7610 metres (761 X 10) from the intersection of Goodes Lane and Henry Lawson Way and are on the left hand side of Goodes Lane when travelling from Henry Lawson Way.
The adoption of this road access point numbering system is fabulous as it allows for:

  • Increased likelihood of mail arriving. Australia Post is able to sort mail assisting those who deliver the mail off the back of the numbering system
  • Emergency services such as Ambulance, Police and the Rural Fire Services to more easily find our location in the event of an emergency.
On the latter, in the event of an emergency we now know that when we call 000 we would need to make it clear that we are at 761 Goodes Lane, Pinnacle, New South Wales. All of the emergency service providers have databases enabling them to accurately locate us.
Since learning all of the above last week I've been in touch with staff at Land and Property Information who have kindly sent me through a map of the locality of Pinnacle. It is clear from this that our farm is in the locality of Pinnacle but adjoins the locality of Glenelg. This is turn explains why some of the mail we get was addressed to Glenelg.
I have also been able to confirm that the correct postcode for us is 2810. This is the same postcode as for Grenfell. Australia Post is able to assign the same postcodes to multiple localities and suburbs.
Given that I grew up in this area I happen to know that the area locally referred to as 'Pinnacle' is larger than the formally approved locality of Pinnacle NSW 2810. No matter. Whilst I intend to focus my future research of the formal locality of Pinnacle I know that I will stray from time to time and bring in factors that are of relevance to those of us who live in and have an interest in this region.
So ... welcome to my latest blog-site. I hope readers find what I write interesting, and of course I will receive input and suggestions with enthusiasm.

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