Monday, April 2, 2012

Old Maps of the Parish of Maudry

During my research of the previous post I managed to find and download (from the Land and Property Information Department Historical Lands Records viewer page: copies of various old maps of the Parish of Maudry. I have a particular interest in these given that our own property is in this Parish. Each of the maps I found is below preceded by the year the LPI Department has allocated to them or some other descriptor.

Parish of Maudry 1890

Parish of Maudry - 1903

Parish of Maudry - 1917

Parish of Maudry - 1923

Parish of Maudry - 1934

Parish of Maudry - Land Titles Office Charting Map

Parish of Maudry - Regional Charting Map

Parish of Maudry - Status Branch Charting Map

There is a massive amount of information on these maps. At some point I hope to return to them and do some analysis, but don't hold your breath!

1 comment:

  1. I was searchign for a map of the Shoalhaven - your link has helped me enormously - thanks!
