Monday, October 15, 2012

Aboriginal Meanings of some local Place Names

The Geographical Names Board of NSW ( database contains in some cases the origins and meaning of various place names. Below is a list of some places located in the Bland, Cowra, Forbes, Weddin and Young Shires followed by the Aboriginal meaning of the word/s:

  • Alleena: “we”
  • Bangaroo: “native bear”
  • Barmedman: “long water”
  • Bendick Murrell: “plain”
  • Bimbi and Bimbil: from bimbibimbi “place of many birds”
  • Binda: “deep water”
  • Bumbaldry: “noise of plunging into water”
  • Burrangong: “bad water” and also “hunting grounds” or “bad or bitter taste”
  • Cowra: “rocks”
  • Derriwong: “grey”
  • Eurabba: “boggy creek”
  • Euroka: “the sun”
  • Morangarell: “water fowl’s nest”
  • Morongla: “a crayfish”
  • Ootha: “ear”
  • Pullabooka: “head”
  • Thuddungra: “water rushes down”
  • Tirranna: “running water”
  • Tubbul: “bone”
  • Ungarie: “thigh”
  • Warrangong: “berry”
  • Warroo: “red hornets”
  • Weddin: “wait” (not verified) and also from Widdin for “to stop or remain”. Mountains were used by young Aborigines awaiting initiation
  • Weethalle: “drink”
  • Wirrinya: “sleep”
  • Womboyne: “wombat hole”